martes, 28 de mayo de 2013


Next exercise is aimed at ESLstudents ages 8-12. (2nd and 3rd cycle of primary school)

It's a printable crossword about the semantic field of birthday and is made by means of an exercises generator inside a website called Discovery School.

It might be proposed as a recycling activity or as an introductory one to more complex ones.

Linguistic skill: Writing

1 comentario:

  1. Hello Inma.

    In this blog, explanations are very useful and interesting for students. You presents activities in a clear and accurate way.

    I have seen that images in hotpotatoes exercise don't work. You could download images of Internet or Dropbox (previously uploaded), not hard disk. I have had the same problem, but I have solved it so.

    Best whishes.
    Gema Briones

    I hope
