martes, 28 de mayo de 2013

Goldilocks and the three bears

This exercise is about a famous tale called "Goldilocks and the three bears" from the brothers Grimm. It's aimed at ESL students ages 8-10.

JMix is the tool belonging to Hot Potatoes with which this activity has been created.

How does the activity work? First of all, children have to listen the story at least two times and then try to put the sentences in the correct order.

Some previous knowledge regarding grammar constructions is required: irregular verbs and the present perfect continuous.

Linguistic skill: Mainly LISTENING

7 comentarios:

  1. Hi Inma!. Congratulations for your blog.
    This activity is so motivating for children I think. Two different parts where they must be concentrated to complete correctly. I think is perfect to improve listening and writting.


  2. Hello, Inma. I like the idea of using both YouTube and Hot Potatoes because this way you are using an already created resource and then you can make your own activity based on your teaching objectives.



  3. I love this activity and the story too! I remember I worked with Goldilocks and the three bears in a class and they loved the story!

    I really belive that story telling is a great resource to use in the ESL learning for children. It is motivaing and fosters reading habits.

    A great idea using a hotpotatoe to check the comprehension since it provides reading and listening skills.


  4. Hi Inma,
    Very interesting activity. You've used a video and than have made a really interesting activity which can show you if your students have understood the video or not. It shows you also if they really understand each word that they are reading... Can you please tell me how you have put your hotpotatoe link into your blog¨????
    Thanks a lot.

    1. Hi Katia,
      I uploaded the Hot Potatoe activity in Dropbox. Then when sharing the file I got a code, which is just the address of the file in the Drop box server. Then, I replaced "www" with "dl". After that,
      I introduced in the entry the iframe label José gave us
      and replaced the webpage between quotation marks with the code I got in Dropbox. The important thing here is to write dl and not www.
      Thanks for your interest in my activity.

  5. Hi Inma.

    It seems to me a fantastic activity to work with children. Children must to pay close attention to history and then children must be able to order it. This activity is perfect for work listening and reading.

    Kind regards.


  6. Hi Inma!

    I think this is a fantastic way to pratice listening skills. It's a topic (fairy tales) children like and it's known by most of them. At the same time, they can learn vocabulary or revise regular and irregular verbs in past.
    So well done!! I liked it very much!

